Saturday, July 31, 2010

Spotlight Saturday Blog Hop

It's Spotlight Saturday Hosted By
Between the Lines, Survey Junkie, and Kindred Spirit Mommy

Every week swing by to link up your blog and one you want to spotlight! Did you find a new blog you liked this week? Is there one you visit on a daily basis? Well, simply link up your Spotlighted blog right under yours. We will Spotlight our favorite blogs of the week in spots 4, 5, and 6.

How it Works

1) Link up your own blog.
2)Link up a blog you want to spotlight for the week.(ex. Spotlight: Crazy Daisy)
3) Follow your three hosts.
4) Grab our button and post it on your sidebar or a Spotlight Saturday Post.
5) Follow as many blogs from the list and leave a comment so they know you stopped by.
6) Return the favor by following blogs that followed you.
(Be aware that URL's cannot be duplicated so please have a second spotlight choice in mind. If your blog's URL has already been spotlighted, just add one you'd like to spotlight. )
**Update: Don't forget to leave a comment for the blog you spotlighted so they can come join the blog hopping fun!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Awesome haircut by Tara, owner of Hairspray Salon in Woodstock, VA 540-459-7274

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Way Back Wednesday - July 28, 2010

It has been a couple of weeks since I have been able to participate...but, I'm back! I love the Way Back Wednesday Blog Hop.

This Week's Topic: First Job Memories
Aside from babysitting, my first real job at age 15 was a team member at Wendy's. I worked my way up the ranks and eventally was head of the drive through. I still remember, "white, red green, white, red green"--the order in which condiments are placed on the sandwhich. The worst aspects of the job were always feeling like you are covered in and smelling like grease and cleaning the bathrooms. Other than that, it was a pretty fun place to work. The crew (especially the late night group) was super diverse. I even worked with Toni Braxton's cousin. We all would make up new food creations and dare others to eat the not-so-appetizing ones. I LOVED the drive through. When I worked 'till close, my friends would pull up and I would toss what was available into their car before they sped off to avoid my manager. And just a little tip for everyone out there. You can hear EVERYTHING in a car that pulls up to order as soon as the weight of your vehicle trips the sensor. I've heard some pretty interesting things. The worst thing I did while a Wendy's employee? We had a ton of kids come through the drive through after some sort of sports event and they ALL ordered nuggets. In the rush to get them all ready, somebody knocked them in the trash. We fished them out and served them anyway.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Fun in the Sun!

This weekend Nicolaus couldn't get enough of the pool his Grandma Harris gave him. I expect we will be "swimming" a lot the rest of the summer. "Thank you Grandma!"

Carleigh says, "Ahh this is the life! You go ahead and play, big brother, I'll just lay here and relax."
"Ok Mommy, I'll open my eyes long enough for you to get a picture of me in my pretty suit and sun hat."""I'll just take a nap right here beside Daddy."

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

2 Months Already!

* 11 lbs and 22.5 inches
* Eats every 2-3 hours
* Sleeping wonderfully
* Smiles a lot--mostly at Daddy and her Big Brother
* "Coo"ing and "Goo"ing
* Head and Neck getting pretty strong
* 3 Month clothes
* Zantac seems to be helping her reflux issues

Way Back Wednesday - July 14, 2010

This Week's Topic: Favorite Halloween Memories
How can I pick just one?! I absolutely love Halloween and always have a costume. Even on our Honeymoon cruise I had perfect pirate garb for the hubby and me--would have worn it too if we hadn't been seasick that night. However, if I have to pick one, it would be the Halloween after John and I started dating...1999. He still liked coming to visit me in Richmond at that point. We dressed as a vampire couple and attended a party that ended with two huge M&Ms fighting...boy do I wish I had a picture of that! I'm not sure what makes this Haloween stand out to me. Maybe John made it so special or maybe because I look really good in the dress.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

20 Months

* 27 lbs
* Insists on eating on his own
* Likes to pretend he is sneezing
* Loves to love on his sister...then hit her
* Beginning to have an interest in TV--Wiggles, Zaboomafoo, Sesame Street, Baby Einstein, Sid the Science Kid
* Starting to wear size 2T...we do have a toddler!
* Likes to mow the grass with his bubble mower
* Some new words: Bee, movie, rain, rock, book, hello, beep beep
* Sometimes calls me Mommy instead of Momma

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Christmas in July

No, Santa hasn't decided to make a stop at our house this Summer, though we have been extra good this year. With two kids and my goal of making all Christmas gifts for family and friends, I actually have started knitting now instead of waiting till November. I'm not going to share the pattern since some who follow my blog will be the lucky recipients (assuming you too have been good), but I can offer a sneak peak picture. The cotton yarn makes knitting in the Summer bearable. If I finish in good time, I hope to start on coordinating outfits for Nicolaus and Carleigh...we'll see how that goes.