Wednesday, April 27, 2011


We are enjoying these early, albeit hot, early days of Spring. This morning a pair of birds were fighting/courting around the birdhouse in our back yard. I became overly excited because since John made the birdhouse with our nieces Chloey and Abbey over 2 years ago, not a single bird has ever landed on it, let alone peeked inside. I thought for sure they had deemed the dwelling the perfect spot to call home and start a little family. However, after over an hour of a very loud and energetic display all over our yard, they disappeared and have yet to return.

The tulips John planted in the Fall have finally bloomed and are so beautiful! I think tomorrow I will snip a few so we can enjoy them inside too!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Cuties

I took over 200 pictures on Easter! It was so hard to narrow it down to just a few favorites.



Friday, April 22, 2011

It's Potty Time!

That's right! Nicolaus is learning to use the potty. We are on day 5, and I have to say he is doing great so far. From all the information I have read, I knew he was ready. He stays dry for long periods of time; he knows what pee-pee and poo-poo are and calls them by name; he tells us when he has gone and needs a diaper change; and he can pull up and down his pants fairly well. In addition, he communicates excellently for a two-year-old; initiates all sorts of pretend play; and wants to do everything all on his own. The experts say all these things are important. Additionally, the Karen Katz book A Potty For Me that was a gift from Nanny is one of his faveorite books at storytime. So when he went #1 and #2 on the potty on Monday, I asked him if he wants to wear big kid underwear instead of diapers and he was all about it. He picked out his own Yo Gabba Gabba and Toy Story underwear and the training began. The first day he had two accidents and the second day he had four, but since then he has stayed dry except for a teeny dribble here and there. Hooray for Nicolaus! We are still using diapers at night until he gets the daytime routine down. Those same experts say night training takes longer to master anyway. Our little boy is getting so big!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

April Showers...

Okay, so May has not arrived yet, but all the rain we have been getting has certainly been great for the new plants and blossoms popping up all around us. Aren't these hyacinths lovely! I've been dying to plant hyacinth bulbs since we moved in five years ago and John (with a little help from Nicolaus of course) planted some in the Fall. They make our whole house smell heavenly. If I were going to be a spring bride, I would most definitely have a hyacinth bouquet with a little lavender thrown in there too... (We have two lavender bushes as well).

Happy Spring!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

11 Months!

* 19 lbs
* Sleeping through the night 10-13 hours!
* Transitioning to one nap per day
* 5 teeth
* Can eat many things by herself...pancakes are her new favorite
* Gives kisses
* Says "Mama, Dada, Kitty Cat, and Ball."
* Loves putting everything into boxes and baskets
* Cruising around furniture
* Enjoys playtime when Nicolaus is napping--free reign and torture free!