Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bye Bye Boys

John and Will left early this morning to hike and camp part of the Appalachian Trail. I had to take a picture of them decked out in the gear they have been collecting over the past month or so. It also serves as an up-to-date picture in case they go missing...just kidding!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Operation Pink Complete!

The nursery has been re-vamped and is ready for our little girl. I am so happy with how it turned out. Just enough pink and frills without being over the top.

The crib and glider. On the glider is a Holly Hobby quilt my Nanny (Great Grandmother) made for my mom. Between the windows are two of the Fairy Tale plates my mom collected for my sister and me when we were little. So fun to be able to display them in a girl's room.

Above the dresser hangs two outfits my mom wore as a baby. I cannot wait to take pictures of Carleigh in these. Thanks Mom!

Closet with the rest of the fairy tale plates hanging above the door.
Her dresser and bedside table. These were mine when I was a little girl. The organizer on the dresser is full of hats and the one on the bedside table contains the more "girly" blankets, including the Piggy in The Blanket from Tara that is just too cute not to display.

A close up of all the pretty girl clothes in her closet. It seems Carleigh already has a dress for every occasion!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

36 Weeks

I cannot believe I am this far along in my pregnancy. Really I could have her any time, especially since Nicolaus was about 2 weeks early. Physically I am ready...mentally and emotionally, I'm not so sure!

How Far Along: 36 Weeks
Total Weight Gain: 26 lbs
Maternity Clothes: A lot of them are getting uncomfortable to wear. I bought some warm weather stuff to get me through the last part of my pregnancy and the first month or so post-partum, but it has turned chilly again and I can't wear it. Boo!
Stretch Marks: Still none, and I am amazed because she has really stretched my belly out forward whereas Nicolaus just made me big all the way around. Some may show up after she is born
Sleep: More restless nights. John had to sleep in Nicolaus' room last night because I was keeping him up
Movement: Dances around in there! And sometimes when she has a big movement I can hear clicking/popping coming from my uterus. Really weird but the Dr. does not seem concerned
Food Cravings/Aversions: My sweet tooth is in full effect
Other Symptoms: Really tired at the end of the day, a little bit of had and foot swelling and I think my face looks funny just like it did towards the end of my first pregnancy
What I miss: Being able to play a lot with Nicolaus and carry him everywhere. I just can't anymore
What I'm Looking Forward To: Meeting my little girl!
Milestones: Had my GBS test on Thirsday but won't know the results until my next appointment. I see the Dr. every week now until I deliver.
Nicolaus' Reaction: Says "baby" when he sees my bare belly and when he sees babies on TV or when we are out anywhere. He also says this about anything pink or girly looking...I guess because when we are doing something in the nursery and he "helps" with her clothes, blankets, etc. I say they are for the baby.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

One For Nicolaus

With all the knitting and crochet going on for baby girl, I felt bad that I hadn't made anything for Nicolaus is a long time. So, last night I whipped up a little hat with some leftover organic cotton I had from when I made his coming home hat and blanket over a year ago. I hope it still fits his big head come winter.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What A Pair!

Of socks that is. Remember when I was pregnant with Nicolaus and took a class to knit my first sock? I finally completed its mate! I was determined to finish the pair before Carleigh is born and feel so good about my accomplishment, especially since I knit this one without any help from anyone even though it had been over a year since I knit the first. I think I used a different decrease when I shaped the toe, but i don't think anyone can tell. This colorful pair is going right into my bag for the hospital to keep my tootsies warm when I have Carleigh.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

17 Months

* 25 lbs
* 9 teeth (Unsure if the 9th is a molar or a cuspid...its seems to be way back there)
* Climbs up and down stairs (mommy is very happy about this)
* Sleeps wonderfully in his new room (11 hours at night, 2 naps 1.5 hours each)
* Starting to play matching games and puzzles
* Waves hello and bye in different ways and says "hi!"
* Can identify his head, hair, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, hands, fingers, belly, legs, knees, feet, and toes
* Loves to play monster with his dad and with strangers everywhere
* Currently in a throwing stage...everything is a missile
* Helps mommy make the beds and do laundry by handing her pillows and putting clothes in baskets
* The hemangioma (vascular birthmark) on his finger has almost disappeared

**Note: Because of one little toddler's inability to sit still for a picture, this may be the last monthly shot**