Monday, September 2, 2013

First Day of Homeschool

"The A says 'ah,' the A says 'ah,' every letter makes a sound, the A says 'ah'!

Apologies in advance if you continue to have that song ringing through your ears the rest of the day...I know I did. But you know what? I love it. I have been terrified nervous about this day for months. I have been worrying myself to death over how I would start homeschooling the kids and how they would react. And you know what? they LOVED it. And so did I! I can do this!

I'm not going to get into a debate here about homeschool versus public or private school. I know  awesome homeschooled people and amazing traditionally schooled folks (myself included). And on top of that, I know unbelievable homeschooling mommies and just as many working and stay at home moms who do not homeschool. Everyone is different and isn't that great? I am beginning down the road of Homeschooling because John and I have prayed about it and it is what is best for our family...right now.

So today we started a preK program loosely following the Letter of the Week curriculum from Confessions of a Homeschooler. With my own stuff mixed in (thank you Pinterest.) A lot will be review for Nicolaus since he went to preschool last year. My goal is to have both he and Carleigh up to speed to begin a Kindergarten curriculum next year. Nicolaus is showing pre-reading interest so I plan on working on that with him also.

Hopefully you will enjoy coming along with us on our Homeschool adventure as the three of us learn together. Below is just the start of what we did today. If you are a homeschooling mom and have any tips or tricks to share, please do! And I appreciate any and all prayers for our family as we head down this road.

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