Sunday, November 1, 2009


Nicolaus' first Halloween was very low key. We stopped by our dear friend's Jason and Allison's house early in the afternoon since we wouldn't be able to make it to their party. Allison is a HUGE Halloween fan to put it mildly and had decorated their house and it looked great. From their we went to Aunt Steph and Uncle Will's for the evening. We enjoyed cheese and crackers, meatballs, and yummy Greek pizza. Nicolaus had a fun time chasing Izzy the cat around the house. Unlike our cat Roxy, Izzy actually plays with Nicolaus by teasing him, almost letting him catch her and then running away. The hit of the evening I have to say though was August's costume. If I hadn't seen her beforehand, I would have never believed it was her under all that green makeup! Nicolaus loved being in his Monkey costume. Hopefully we can find one just as cute next year when he will actually be able to go trick-or-treating.

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