Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Operation Wean Nicolaus - Day 8

The weaning process is going OK. He doesn't seem to miss the eliminated feeding, but he will not drink all the milk that I pour him as a replacement. It may just take some time for him to get used to the taste. John and I decided to eliminate his middle of the night feeding second. We are hoping this will help him sleep through the night as I think the only reason he wakes up is to feel the comfort of nursing. Last night was the first night and he didn't do too badly. He woke once around midnight and fell back asleep on his own after turning on his Sleepytime Seahorse. He woke again at 3:00 am, when I normally would nurse him. After 5 minutes of crying -- or should I say hysterics -- I went into his nursery, gave him his pacifier and turned on his Sleepytime Seahorse. After about 8 more minutes of crying, he fell back asleep and slept until 6:15 am. We shall see how tonight goes!

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