Wednesday, August 12, 2009

9 Months

* 19.5 lbs, 28.5 inches tall
* Knows and responds to his name
* Says "Da-Da" and "Ma-Ma" but doesn't know their meaning
* Pulls himself up to standing position
* Still hates getting his diaper changed
* Still wakes a few times a night to eat
* Acts shy around strangers
* Has started to show interest in the TV
* Wants to splash in Penny's water bowl (and daddy lets him do it)
* Does not know how to be gentle with Roxy
* Is super-happy when he sees any animal...especially dogs
* Has 2 teeth
* Loves to laugh
* Likes to pinch. This is really a comfort thing and he does it when breastfeeding and/or falling asleep while held

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sea Glass, Sand Dollars and other Summer Stories

The Pedersens have had a wonderful and fun filled summer visiting with family and friends. We began our adventures with a trip to Ohio for a family reunion with Dad, Janice et alia. Fun times were had by all at Great Wolf Lodge where Nicolaus went in the pool for the first time and at the Harris household where he got to know his extended family and clapped for the first time. A photographer came to the house for family portraits and we will share those once they arrive. We all participated in the backyard game of cornhole and the Pedersens will be ready for a tournament at the next gathering.

The end of July brought our first beach vacation as a family. We started out in Kitty Hawk, NC with Uncle Tim and Becky where they introduced us to the Sea Glass hunting. They are pros and their collection extensive. We will never meet their excellence unless we travel to the West Coast and find the elusive red piece! Tim and Becky left with us as we traveled via ferry first to Okracoke then to Atlantic Beach, NC to visit with Grandma and Grandpa Pedersen at the famous Place at the Beach condo. Scott, Kelly, and Becca were able to meet up with us before we left as well. Nicolaus was a real trooper at the beach. He loved the sand--squishing it in his hands and disn't even try to eat it. He favored the pool above the ocean though and even fell asleep once in his float! During Beach Week he started crawling, waved and cut his first tooth. We were so glad to share those important milestones with Hans and Jeanette. The best day of all came on our last walk/sea glass hunt on the beach when I looked down and found a whole sand dollar! I've wanted to find one forever and when I saw it I nearly cried.
Now the Pedersens are back home in Virginia wondering what the end of the Summer has to offer and are in disbelief that in a few short months Nicolaus will be turning 1 year old!