Monday, July 21, 2008

Braxton Hicks

What do you get when you combine an extremely hot Virginia summer and a late morning/early afternoon walk? Braxton Hicks contractions! Well at least when you're dealing with a very pregnant lady like myself. I've been walking on the treadmill at home and feeling great, so I decided to get outside and walk when I can as well. I guess the humidity combined with the different physical activity triggered some BH contractions because the bottom of my belly tightened up for about 1-2 minutes and I also felt it in my low back. Lesson learned: the treadmill is my friend, hot and muggy walks are not!

In other pregnancy related news, we ordered our glider/rocker for the nursery last week. Good thing too--it takes 10-12 weeks for delivery. Hopefully we will have the glider before a baby! We also finally settled on bedding for the nursery and are now deciding with which shade of green to paint--the walls are coverd in 1x1 blocks of sample paint! I think we almost have it figured out though and I cannot wait until it all comes together.

1 comment:

Elle's Niche said...

Very Cool! I can't wait to see!!!! The BH are so fun! Aren't they????? LOL