Sunday, January 24, 2010

24 Weeks

How far alongBold: 24 weeks...112 days to go if I go full term!
Total weight gain: 10 lbs
Maternity clothes: Every day
Stretch marks: None yet
Sleep: My reflux is pretty bad, no matter what it seems and this has made getting to sleep a pain.
Movement: Lots of movement and on a pretty regular schedule.
Food cravings/aversions: I have been craving lots of sweets lately, and avocados
Gender: Better still be a girl!
Belly button in or out: Still in but getting more shallow
What I miss: having a fru-fru drink when on a date with John
What I am looking forward to: Knitting Carleigh's coming home hat and blanket
Milestones: Viability! At 24 weeks Carleigh has an excellent chance of making it if I went into pre-term labor
Nicolaus' reaction: When I read Nicolaus a story and sing to him before bedtime, Carleigh kicks him. He looks at me with such a quizzical look!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Lovely Lace

We have already received several lovely gifts for Carleigh. So different to look at pink and frilly things and I have to admit it is fun. One of our favorites is a gift from her Aunt Stephanie. Take a look at the lovely Belgian lace bonnet from Brussells! The detail is exquisite. Looking forward to finding the perfect coordinating dress.

Monday, January 11, 2010

14 Months!

* 22.5 lbs 31 inches tall
* 6 teeth
* Walking!
* No more nursing
* Has learned to stack toys and sort a few shapes
* Knows where his ears, nose, teeth, belly and toes are
* Loves to rough-house and wrestle with Daddy
* Obsessed with Mommy's growing belly - he either kisses it or smacks it!
* Enjoys "reading" his books
* Resisting naps - maybe it's time to transition to one a day

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Name Game

So just about everyone has asked us if we have a name yet for baby girl. I think this is one of the most difficult topics expecting parents face. First off, the decision itself is tough. Your little one will have this name for the rest of their life! Then you just never know how others will react to the name. Not that it really matters, but you always encounter the people who obviously don't like your name selection but are not quite sure what to say. So, love it or hate it but our beautiful baby girl will be named:

Carleigh May

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Nicolaus decided he would start off 2010 full speed ahead. We woke up January 1st and suddenly we had a full blown walker on our hands. He stll crawls every once in a while and toddles like a penguin as his Aunt Kristy says (what a perfect description!) but for the most part walks pretty well. He certainly keeps Mommy and Daddy on our toes!