Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Amy reminded me that I should blog about my last day(s) as a mother of one so I remember what I was feeling, doing etc. It got me to thinking that while over the last year and a half, this blog has been about "firsts," these couple of days are filled with many "lasts." Today was my last prenatal appointment before Carleigh is born. Nicolaus and I had our last lunch date together (well, at least for a while anyway). I have driven the van for the last time with just one carseat. Tomorrow will be the last morning with Mommy, Daddy, and Nicolaus snuggle time and the last evening with our same old bath, stories, bedtime routine. I have to admit it is a bit bittersweet. I love every second of being Nicolaus' Mommy and we have made out pretty well together since he was born--both of us learning so much about ourselves. At the same time, I am looking forward to all of the Firsts about to take place. The first time John and I see and hold our little girl; the first time Nicolaus sees his little sister; the first time I can hold both my babies; the first time I can call us a family of four...and all the other firsts that will take place the first year of Carleigh's life and for the rest of our lives as a family. So while it is an end to a wonderful part of my life (and I admit to crying about it a few times), it is the beginning of a whole new set of adventures for our family!

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